With iCambio Businesses, you will be able to get a better return on your currency. Currently, we offer the best exchange rates for your business.
Who is this service for?
Currency -> €
Companies that make collections in foreign currency (Currency -> €) and want to obtain a higher return than that given by their usual bank, (hotels and currency purchasing stores and businesses).
With our coin collection service, you won’t have to waste time at the bank. And we offer you instant payment of the counter value in euros.
€ -> Currency
Companies that need currency (€ -> Currency), for their clients, or for business trips (travel agencies, managers and employees, etc.). We bring the currency to your business, or to your home, at unbeatable rates. The surplus currency can be changed keeping the original price.
We work with more than 50 currencies, 24 hours a year available for your business. Reservations can be made both online and by phone. Any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via Chat or Whatsapp.